I hate Christmas!

Happy Holidays!

Compliment of the season! 

Merry Christmas!

Happy Yuletide!

These and many more are in the air. Oh I almost forgot one. A prosperous new year in advance!

I love Christmas. Contradictory to title? Gimme a minute!

Christmas is a combination of two words : Christ and Mass. Christ is Greek for “Anointed one” while Mass is a Latin word that can mean ‘celebration/feast.’ Put together –  Christmas is a celebration/feast of the anointed one(Jesus). We commemorate the birth of the Messiah. We remind ourselves of God’s love for us. I definitely love Christmas.

Christmas is a season of love. It’s a season where family and friends come together to celebrate. It’s a season of giving. It’s a festive season. Bangers (fireCrackers), fireworks, new clothes, new shoes, gifts,  lots of food, a lot of meat, a lot of chicken(I killed my first chicken this year), carols amongst others are all associated with Christmas. It’s a joyful season. Several good wishes fly here and there.

Slash sales, Christmas deals and a lot of discounts go on at this time of the year but at the same time things become expensive(how ironic).

I love the reason behind Christmas, I love the love and joy shared, I love how people give to others(should be a daily habit), I love the food, I love the harmattan( I didn’t see it this year), the carols and all the other good stuff that Christmas brings.

 Why is this titled “I hate Christmas?” 

 I actually hate Christmas. 

I love it but…

…I hate it. 

How can someone love something so strongly and hate it just as much? 

Christmas is meant to be holiday time (if it’s not then why do people greet with  “HAPPY HOLIDAYS?”).

I hate the busyness that comes with christmas. I can tell you for a fact that I haven’t had a nice sleep since the 23rd because I’ve been busy! It’s holiday time but there ain’t nobody getting any rest. 

I hate the oppression and tension that come with Christmas. People save up all year to spend it all during this time. People get depressed because they’re unable to enjoy the season the way they’d love to. A lot of people steal or go into all sorts of things just to level up to Detty December(enjoy completely) and by extension christmas. 

Then there’s the congestion on the road and places. The malls and other fun places are filled to their maximum.

Let’s not forget the plenty cooking. Omg I want to cry. If you know me personally, you’d know I love to cook. But Christmas makes me hate cooking because we spend hours and days making a lot of food and it’s tiring! I love that we share food and gifts but it’s the process that is tiring. 

It’s like going on vacation but working twice as hard. It’s the holidays but the work is double. 

However, remove the busyness from Christmas and it won’t look the same. As much as I hate the plenty activities, I love them!

Don’t forget the reason for the season: Jesus!

Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year from me to you. 

…and a great 2021😊

How’d your Christmas go? Tell me in the comment section💚💚💚

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